With Valentines Day come and gone, some of my readers have broken hearts, others are full of love and some of ya'll didn't even notice right? ...(or that's what you tell yourself to help you sleep at night). Let's be honest: Love is a powerful part of our everyday lives. We love friends, family, and ultimately long for true love from a "significant other." At Church this past Sunday, the preacher told us that we could not have love and power at the same time. That was interesting to me because I have analyzed my friends relationships, my parents and my own, and come up with an interesting conclusion: No one wants to lose. No one wants to give up power. What does that mean? It is a very basic concept really. For example, if Sue really likes John, and John really doesn't, who do you think has the upper hand? Who loses? Exactly. John has the power to manipulate, to stress, to control. But the power of love is so strong, that it becomes a struggle between Sue's mind, heart and soul and she may be unable to walk away. Now, if John loves her back, that part can be beautiful. Their love can flourish and they can be happy together. Every relationship has their problems, but I believe that when two people love each other and keep God at their forefront, it could very well work out. My personal views are as follows: Lets just say, I'm not an expert in relationships, and honestly, never been in love. But as I grow and mature, it becomes more apparent to me that love does not have to be a game of wins and loses. Society has negatively warped our images of relationships. It takes two mature individuals to come to a conclusion that they have feelings toward each other. You have to be ready spiritually, emotionally and mentally to take on another individual in that capacity into your life. What do you think readers? Are ya'll ready for love?
I am. already in love. ready for love. it is a lot of work. its not what u see in movies. it takes alot of hard work and dedication. love is supposed to hurt. if i dosnt hurt. then ur not doing it right. study where love came from.
ReplyDeleteLook at Grace spittin' knowledge lol.
ReplyDelete1) Coming from someone who is in love and currently making plans to spend the rest of my life with this person, I totally agree with the first comment...love does take alot of work....falling in love is easy, you have to work to STAY in love...and that's the hard part...most people dont want to work for anything nowadays, esp something like love...but just like anything worth fighting and working hard for, it will be so worth it in the end
ReplyDelete2) love doesnt keep score....enough said on that
3) I love this song by India.Arie they played it at my father's wedding and everytime I hear it, it moves my heart
4) Im now following your blog, so follow mine