I've never been in the business of "letting go". Interestingly enough, I've always found it hard to break ties with people; even those that proved to be no good for me. Never been in the game of burning bridges. I always thought to myself "what if I need that person one day?" But really folks, as I've grown, I've come to understand that cutting those ties and severing relationships are essential. SPECIFICALLY from those who cause you nothing but grief and stress. But to be honest as much as it seems like it may hurt now, Its really important to evaluate current relationships, friendships, etc. to see if they are really worth keeping. I've come to realize that there are a few things one must do in order to ensure their own tranquility, and sanity when it comes to dealing with other people. 1. Close that circle. 2.Separate friends from associates and 3.Recognize those who could care less about your individual well being.
Trust and believe ya'll, my circle is getting smaller as we speak. Okay, there are a select few that you call your "Dream Team". Those are the people who are going in the same or similar direction as you are professionally. Then you have your select few. Your road dawgs, ride or dies, etc. Everybody else... gets the boot. And that is THE real. Like it or not. We can be cordial and friendly, but so many people (men and women) make the mistake of not keeping their business,and relationships tight. I'm not saying don't network; for those of you that know me, know that I am the network queen. Take me for specific example. My friends said that they cant walk across the Yard with me without me stopping to speak to at least 10 people. I'm a social butterfly. But as one, I know which flowers not to land on, and which ones I can only stay on for a short period of time. It is all apart of a learning experience that I would like to share with ya'll. I've made my share of mistakes. TRUST. But with those mistakes, come experience. I know ya'll have probably heard this 1000 times before, but its serious business round here. Some people are just naturally FAKE AS HELL... You will be better off. This is the story of a champion. And you have to know who you can keep around and who you have to let fall by the way side. Such is life.
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