You know what they say, if you don't believe in yourself, who will? So here's the deal; Sometimes you've got to be your biggest cheerleader. In life, not everyone will support your goals, dreams and aspirations. It's a sad but true reality. Even those in your closest circle will be sometimes be your biggest nay-sayers. BUT on a more positive note, and for lack of better words, "forget them". Now, when it comes down to it, It's your dream, so let it live. It's like the poet Langston Hughes said "Hold fast to your dreams/For if dreams die/Life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly. The key to it, is being consistent, working hard and being diligent in your pursuit of whatever your dream happens to be. Test your ambition,and put it to work! Because if you "can believe it. then you can conceive it.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Thursday, November 11, 2010
The Show Must Go On!

Hey guys!
I know its been a while since my last post. I'm back from my hiatus and you all can expect at least a weekly updates and inspiration. So much has happened since then that I will be sharing with you all, but this specific post is about a lesson that I learned repeatedly over the past few months. I've titled it *Clears Throat* The Show Must Go On!. This simple concept holds a lot of weight when it comes down to what it actually means. Life is going to do what it does best; be hard. It's going to throw curve balls, and present forks in the road like you couldn't imagine. But the true testament to what kind of person you are, is if you keep going! There will be plenty of situations that will attempt to throw you off course. And there will be plenty of PEOPLE that will attempt to do the same thing. Lets be clear; No man, woman are child should be able to stop your show. Why? Because it is yours. Aside from the things that are completely out of your control, no one's actions should dictate the way you feel about your life. Don't let the negative energy affect you. Don't let anyone be a showstopper. THE SHOW MUST GO ON!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Class of 2010: The FINAL Frontier
Please enjoy this tribute to my fellow Graduating Seniors at Howard University and Universities across the world. This is OUR time! **
Ya'll know I had to put my picture proof at the end of the video! :)
Monday, February 22, 2010
The Power of Love: Read It & Don't Weep

With Valentines Day come and gone, some of my readers have broken hearts, others are full of love and some of ya'll didn't even notice right? ...(or that's what you tell yourself to help you sleep at night). Let's be honest: Love is a powerful part of our everyday lives. We love friends, family, and ultimately long for true love from a "significant other." At Church this past Sunday, the preacher told us that we could not have love and power at the same time. That was interesting to me because I have analyzed my friends relationships, my parents and my own, and come up with an interesting conclusion: No one wants to lose. No one wants to give up power. What does that mean? It is a very basic concept really. For example, if Sue really likes John, and John really doesn't, who do you think has the upper hand? Who loses? Exactly. John has the power to manipulate, to stress, to control. But the power of love is so strong, that it becomes a struggle between Sue's mind, heart and soul and she may be unable to walk away. Now, if John loves her back, that part can be beautiful. Their love can flourish and they can be happy together. Every relationship has their problems, but I believe that when two people love each other and keep God at their forefront, it could very well work out. My personal views are as follows: Lets just say, I'm not an expert in relationships, and honestly, never been in love. But as I grow and mature, it becomes more apparent to me that love does not have to be a game of wins and loses. Society has negatively warped our images of relationships. It takes two mature individuals to come to a conclusion that they have feelings toward each other. You have to be ready spiritually, emotionally and mentally to take on another individual in that capacity into your life. What do you think readers? Are ya'll ready for love?
Thursday, February 18, 2010
May 8, 2010: Freedom Song...Or Doom's Day?

The Countdown Continues... Class of 2010 across the WORLD! Are we ready?? We are about to be done! Finito! College was probably THE best 4 (or 5... hey, it happens) years of your life. You've grown and matured as an individual, joined organizations, made friends and connections. And now its bout to be over. Dang, how does that make you feel? For my mighty Bison at Howard University Graduation is.... 11 Weeks, 6 days, 10 hours, 35 minutes and 59..58..57, you get my drift. While some may be singing the 'Freedom Song,' others are call it 'Doom's Day.' Why?? Just think about it... Most of you have been in school EVERY year since you were 4 or 5 years old. That's the past 17 or 18 years of your life! (Go ahead, inhale and exhale.) Exactly...that's how I felt. Since last semester, the goal for many of us has been graduation. Just keep pushing. Just keep grinding. We could see the light at the end of the tunnel, the white tape at the end of a marathon, the Oz at the end of that doggone yellow brick road! But now this "figment of our imagination" is starting to become a tangible reality, the anxiety starts to set in. I can't tell you how many graduating seniors I've spoken to ,that when asked what post-grad plans are, I get a blank stare. I even think I saw a tear in the eye of one person. Its a scary thought. In this economy, (oh boy, I never thought I'd be the one saying this) its hard out here. And who can forget those rack of student loans and debt that we have built in 4 years? The recession is real, and its one UGLY son of a *&%^#!! But I digress. The reality is, some of us really don't know. There are just so many options. "Should I go to grad school?" "Try to find a job?" "What am I good at?" And the question that I know is on every body's mind... "How can I make some money?" How much will your piece of paper be worth in the real world? I find myself at a crossroad sometimes. Thinking long and hard about what I should do next.I have a dream that I definitly plan on following. I find that the worst thing to do, is think too hard and take no action. Then you'll just be stuck. Don't wait for opportunities to pass you by because you've been spending all your time just "thinking"... Do some research, reach out to mentors, but ultimately the decision is yours. Justttt don't wait too long, cuz before you know it, allll of those private institutions that loaned you that money?? Yeah they're gonna want it all back.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
7 Days: The Water Works

I'm thirsty...Very thirsty. And all I need to do to quench my thirst is... drink water. Ya'll thought this was gonna be about something else huh? lol. Sorry, not today. Today I really want to bring health to you all's attention. Water is seemingly the answer... To all life's transgressions. Not feeling well? Sluggish? Tired? Bump those sugary energy drinks; even the ones that promise no crash. DRINK WATER! I'm not here for promo. Not here to preach. I'm speaking the truth and this is serious business. My mom who is a nurse, used to tell me every day that I do not drink enough water and that I need to increase my intake. And she's right. There are a multitude of things that can change in your life via an increase in life's most natural element. Dry skin, brittle nails and breaking hair. I can almost guarantee that you will start to see some very big changes. So here is what Im going to do. For 7 days, I will be drinking NOTHING BUT WATER. For a week, I will replace all juices, teas and yes, even liquor with the fabulous H20. And in a weeks time, I believe that I will be able to measure the differences in my life. Of course i"ll have to make some additional changes. Just water isnt the cure for all things. A basic lifestyle change will promote a healthier mind, body and spirit. I charge you all to join me. One week, with one mission! Lets go!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
The Chopping Block: Downsizing Relationships

I've never been in the business of "letting go". Interestingly enough, I've always found it hard to break ties with people; even those that proved to be no good for me. Never been in the game of burning bridges. I always thought to myself "what if I need that person one day?" But really folks, as I've grown, I've come to understand that cutting those ties and severing relationships are essential. SPECIFICALLY from those who cause you nothing but grief and stress. But to be honest as much as it seems like it may hurt now, Its really important to evaluate current relationships, friendships, etc. to see if they are really worth keeping. I've come to realize that there are a few things one must do in order to ensure their own tranquility, and sanity when it comes to dealing with other people. 1. Close that circle. 2.Separate friends from associates and 3.Recognize those who could care less about your individual well being.
Trust and believe ya'll, my circle is getting smaller as we speak. Okay, there are a select few that you call your "Dream Team". Those are the people who are going in the same or similar direction as you are professionally. Then you have your select few. Your road dawgs, ride or dies, etc. Everybody else... gets the boot. And that is THE real. Like it or not. We can be cordial and friendly, but so many people (men and women) make the mistake of not keeping their business,and relationships tight. I'm not saying don't network; for those of you that know me, know that I am the network queen. Take me for specific example. My friends said that they cant walk across the Yard with me without me stopping to speak to at least 10 people. I'm a social butterfly. But as one, I know which flowers not to land on, and which ones I can only stay on for a short period of time. It is all apart of a learning experience that I would like to share with ya'll. I've made my share of mistakes. TRUST. But with those mistakes, come experience. I know ya'll have probably heard this 1000 times before, but its serious business round here. Some people are just naturally FAKE AS HELL... You will be better off. This is the story of a champion. And you have to know who you can keep around and who you have to let fall by the way side. Such is life.
Friday, January 29, 2010
The Art of Flirtation...
*Picture Courtesy of Walt Disney*
So today, I saw some of the most obvious and blatant flirtation that I had ever witnessed in my life: In the mirror. I ran into someone that I used to go to school with, and we just had a casual conversation. But in that short exchange of words, there were some things poppin off; on my end at least. Now, I didn't realize it until after we went our separate ways, and prayed that it wasn't that obvious to him. But then it led me to think about my mannerisms in his presence. I smiled, laughed and we talked about school, etc. We embraced when I saw him, and again after the conversation was over. I must admit that I surprised my damn self because I recognized what I was doing. Not to worry, I was tactful with it, because trust me, i have seen some SHAMELESS acts of flirtation from both men and women. I kinda laughed at myself cuz I haven't flirted with someone in a good minute. So i ask: WHAT EXACTLY IS FLIRTING? Is it WHAT you say? Or rather the WAY you say it? Ladies: When is it appropriate? What is your body language? (The sass in your step, the hand on your hip) Gents: Do you notice it? Do you flirt back? All: WHERE do you draw the line between being nice and flirting? SIDEBAR: I was nice once, and someone mistook it for something else, and I had to shut that down QUICK! (I did feel bad though) But anyway, Let me know what ya'll think!

So today, I saw some of the most obvious and blatant flirtation that I had ever witnessed in my life: In the mirror. I ran into someone that I used to go to school with, and we just had a casual conversation. But in that short exchange of words, there were some things poppin off; on my end at least. Now, I didn't realize it until after we went our separate ways, and prayed that it wasn't that obvious to him. But then it led me to think about my mannerisms in his presence. I smiled, laughed and we talked about school, etc. We embraced when I saw him, and again after the conversation was over. I must admit that I surprised my damn self because I recognized what I was doing. Not to worry, I was tactful with it, because trust me, i have seen some SHAMELESS acts of flirtation from both men and women. I kinda laughed at myself cuz I haven't flirted with someone in a good minute. So i ask: WHAT EXACTLY IS FLIRTING? Is it WHAT you say? Or rather the WAY you say it? Ladies: When is it appropriate? What is your body language? (The sass in your step, the hand on your hip) Gents: Do you notice it? Do you flirt back? All: WHERE do you draw the line between being nice and flirting? SIDEBAR: I was nice once, and someone mistook it for something else, and I had to shut that down QUICK! (I did feel bad though) But anyway, Let me know what ya'll think!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Welcome to My World!

Are you ready?? For those of you who DON'T know me, my name is Grace Salvant, a senior (ahem) GRADUATING senior, public relations major from Brooklyn, NY. I currently attend Howard University in Washington D.C. I've always thought about creating this Blog, and now that I've finally done it,its time to get REAL. It's like this; I've always been the type of individual to say whats on my mind-- with no hesitation. I'm a REAL person who speaks the truth,and whoever has a problem with it, I don't know what to say! I'm a fun loving passionate individual as well, with a free spirit and a open heart. Determined to succeed, I continually give 118% in all that I do. With that being said, I invite you to join me on this wonderful journey, cuz it's bound to be interesting!
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