So today, I saw some of the most obvious and blatant flirtation that I had ever witnessed in my life: In the mirror. I ran into someone that I used to go to school with, and we just had a casual conversation. But in that short exchange of words, there were some things poppin off; on my end at least. Now, I didn't realize it until after we went our separate ways, and prayed that it wasn't that obvious to him. But then it led me to think about my mannerisms in his presence. I smiled, laughed and we talked about school, etc. We embraced when I saw him, and again after the conversation was over. I must admit that I surprised my damn self because I recognized what I was doing. Not to worry, I was tactful with it, because trust me, i have seen some SHAMELESS acts of flirtation from both men and women. I kinda laughed at myself cuz I haven't flirted with someone in a good minute. So i ask: WHAT EXACTLY IS FLIRTING? Is it WHAT you say? Or rather the WAY you say it? Ladies: When is it appropriate? What is your body language? (The sass in your step, the hand on your hip) Gents: Do you notice it? Do you flirt back? All: WHERE do you draw the line between being nice and flirting? SIDEBAR: I was nice once, and someone mistook it for something else, and I had to shut that down QUICK! (I did feel bad though) But anyway, Let me know what ya'll think!